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Adios, Salsa Season

One last, giant batch of sun gold cherry tomato salsa. I did some panic harvesting on Friday in anticipation of the frosty weekend. Plenty of tomatoes and way more jalapenos than needed for salsa.

I don’t have an exact recipe. A big bowl of cherry tomatoes, 1 jalapeno, 1/2 small sweet onion, 8 cloves of  minced garlic, a squeeze of lime juice and salt to taste. Cilantro offered on the side so as not to offend cilantro haters.

Give the ingredients (sans cilantro) a whiz in the food processor, reserving about 2 cups of tomatoes.

Stir chopped tomatoes into the mixture. Adjust salt and lime juice.

And BEFORE dicing up the cherry tomatoes, sharpen your knife. My favorite sharpener is this Chef’s Choice sharpener.



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